Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Habibul Awal said the Election Commission has provided an accurate percentage of the voter turnout in the 12th national polls held Sunday, and it welcomes anyone who wants to challenge the data.
12th National Election of Bangladesh: The voter turnout in many polling centres in the national election was seen to be low in the first two hours after polls opened at 8:00am today.
12th National Election of Bangladesh: The voter turnout in many polling centres in the national election was seen to be low in the first two hours after polls opened at 8:00am today.
12th National Parliament Elections Bangladesh: Till 3:00pm, the voter turnout is 27.15 percent, EC secretary Jahangir Alam told journalists in a media briefing at the EC secretariat
Voter turnout in 12th Bangladesh Election: Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Habibul Awal said around 40 percent votes were cast in the 12th parliamentary election