pay taxes. they ve raised at least marginally the corporate rate from 21 to i think 25 or 26. but, listen, i think it s more of a vote counting problem, joe, than anything else in a and it s frankly my estimation is the house of representatives where they only enjoy a four-seat majority, and any step out of line, so to speak, any step away from the lower common denominaor can provide vote problems. they have vote problems everywhere. they have enough problems right now on things from prescription drugs to s.a.l.t. deductions, state and local tax deductions. so many trip wires for nancy pelosi and chuck schumer that anything out of the mainstream, so to speak. not out of the mainstream but currently envisioned tax plan, is just not going to fly, i think. and i want to say just one more thing here. i ve noticed in the last couple of months, and this bolsters your argument.
support, what happens? that s a state he swung the last time that he has to keep in his column if he wants to win. there s always kind of been this question around where the religious community sides with donald trump. the evangelical community tends to swing more towards the gop, and yet trump has kind of been labeled by some spiritual leaders as a newcomer to the fold or the faith or what have you. his actions, especially when it has to do with women and stormy daniels type stuff, there are things out there that if you want to say, wait a second, that s not morally upstanding, you can do that as a religious voter. that split hasn t happened yet. but if that fracture starts to take place, that could be extremely problematic for him, especially if it takes place among women in the suburbs. that hasn t broken yet, but if it does, that could spell electoral vote problems. this is mark galley who is editor in chief. the president calls him far left. the editor says, not fair.
back to the table, there will be a government shutdown, period, end of story. they just don t have the time before friday to go back to the table, and frankly, the idea they would reopen a deal they worked so hard to reach and was so arduous for both sides, and all they can hope is that he ll sign it. i think that s the best case of what you see right now, but they re running into vote problems if he keeps talking like this. he keeps talking about republican votes. there are some progressives because it gives them more money for detention beds, it gives them some money for barriers. they don t want any money for barriers so there is math on both sides. part of the reason he s v vascillating a little bit is to
resounding victory. next on tuesday comes minnesota, missouri, and colorado. but will the win last night in nevada help cement his frontrunner status in the race for the nomination? john roberts live in las vegas with the very latest. good morning, john. good morning to you, eric. certainly mitt romney is beginning to look like he s got it cemented in place, beginning to look more and more like the nominee. these are pictures from last night, that might add to the air of inevitability around mitt romney. he picked up secret service protection a couple days ago. take a look at this. he s shaking hands with the crowd at his victory party last night at the red rock casino. does that look like a guy who s the candidate? sure looks like a nominee at this point. 47.6% of the vote for mitt romney at this point, compared to 22.6 for newt gingrich, ron paul and rick santorum behind that, but vote problems in clark county, where we are in las vegas. only 50% of the vote has been counted. we re