Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County (VHOCC) is sponsoring a five-week in-person grief support group, scheduled for 1-3 p.m. each Monday, from April 10-May 8, at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 N. Blake Ave.
Deadline for items appearing in the community calendar is noon on Wednesday, one week before publication at editor@sequimgazette.com or delivered to the Sequim Gazette at 147 W. Washington St.
Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County (VHOCC) is hosting online and in-person volunteer orientations for those interested in learning more about or volunteering with the organization.
Deadline for items appearing in the community calendar is noon on Wednesday, one week before publication at editor@sequimgazette.com or delivered to the Sequim Gazette at 147 W. Washington St.