Smoking kills 3 times more than Covid-19
Published 2 months ago
Around the world, the smoking rate in individuals over the age of 15 is 21.9, Ozturk said, adding that this rate in Turkey is 31.4 according to the 2019 data of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). (Pexels photo)
ISTANBUL/ANKARA – National No Smoking Day in Turkey was acknowledged on Feb. 9 to draw attention to the dangers of tobacco.
Tobacco use is a significant risk factor for developing cancer, which kills 8 million people worldwide each year.
To mark the occasion, Anadolu Agency spoke with doctors about the dangers of smoking for people’s immune systems, the comparison between Covid-19 and tobacco use in terms of what they do to a human body and how they affect the progress of each other, what can people do to overcome its possible dangers or to quit smoking.
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