Hot 107.9 - Hot Spot ATL's itsksamone, Author at Hot 107.9 - Hot Spot ATLHot 107.9 - Hot Spot ATL: A Lady of Media, with a vivacious attitude that's a perfect attribute for a young talent with an extraordinary personality that sparkles in front of a camera or behind a microphone, K.Samone embarked on her career at the young age of 16 as she became a sideline reporter and producer for NNPSTV- Channel 47 in her hometown Newport News, VA.
Upon graduating from Alma Mater Old Dominion University, K. Samone would land a job with Entercom Virgina Beach, as a promotion assistant and within two months promoted to becoming the digital director for WNVZ- Z104, Morning show The Z Morning Zoo. K. Samone would expand her career as an Executive Producer joining Radio One Philadelphia, Producing the Morning Show for WPHI- Boom 1039, and Midday Shows for WRNB !00.3 Work with Karen and WPPZ - Praise 102.5 Your Voice With Soloman Jones all while being the Female Station voice for WPHI