i ll also tell tu that the aclu of texas put out a statement, quote, the arrest and prosecution of mr. hervis rogers should alarm all texans. he waited in line six hours to vote to fulfill his civic duty. he is locked up on a bail amount that most people could not afford. he faces potentially decades in jail. hour laws should not intim date team from voting by increasing the risk of prosecution for mistakes. we will continue to fight for justice and mr. rogers and will push back to efforts to further restrict voting lights. only he had been a white guy casting a vote in a name of a dead relative for donald trump, right? can t we all agree that s the way that i will also tell you that the texas attorney general has put out his own statement, sort of. at least he tweeted. he refers to local public radio news article that broke the news of hervis rogers arrest as,
harris county, texas, home to houston, they were not prepared for the huge turnout on super tuesday last month. there were crazy long likes at polling places, particularly in heavily minority communities. people in those communities had to wait hours to vote in many circumstances. and that was when the mention met her voice rogers. mr. rogers was the last person in line at the polling site on texas southern university s campus that night. that s him, bald guy in the white shirt on the other side of that glassdoor. he got to the poll site before 7:00 p.m. in the end, it took him 6 hours and 20 minutes to get to the front of the line and cast his ballot. he finally walked out of that polling place after 1:30 in the morning. according to some reports, he may have been the last person in texas to cast a vote that night. he wait inside line more than six hours. he told reporters it was worth
general election as well. we don t know at this point whether in was an honest mistake. perhaps he didn t know he was not allowed to vote. we don t know. that said, perhaps it was a deliberate premeditated scheme to wait over six hours in line to vote in a democratic primary to break the law on purpose. muah! we don t know what mr. rogers has to say. we can t ask him because the attorney general of texas has locked him up. has locked up hervis rogers on $100,000 bail. he is in prison tonight unable to pay $100,000 bail. bail is set at $100,000. what? because he might escape and vote again? also, i should tell you this. hervis rogers lives in harris county. the big diverse county that includes houston that i just told you about. he voted in harris county.
Manmade wetlands in South L.A. make a convincing habitat, and winter hiking trails to put on your to-do list.
Black Artists + Designers Guild presents the Obsidian Experience, a “virtual concept house” of the future designed “as an enlightened way of being and dwelling” for Black families. The designs by 23 members of the Black Artist + Designers Guild will evolve during the month at obsidianbybadg.house.
“Who I Am,” a celebration of African American Heritage, is a free Theatre West production on YouTube that features seven actor-writers sharing their personal stories and life lessons from parents and grandparents, and “what it means to be Black in America in the face of 2020’s call to action.” theatrewest.org