Die Wahl in Berlin verlief zum Teil chaotisch: Neben Warteschlangen und fehlenden Stimmzetteln am Sonntag gibt es nun Ungereimtheiten bei der Auszählung. Ein Bezirk meldet geschätzte Ergebnisse, in anderen gelangen falsche Zettel in die Urne. Und was hat es mit den "auffallend" vielen ungültigen Stimmen auf sich?
it was so obvious. she impressed everybody s heart in a way she was such a beautiful human being. really, really caring, useful, thoughtful human being, call you for no reason at all, just to say hi. alicia keyes the wonderful song bird himself visibly emotional. we are joined by mrs. brown on the right and sharpe james on the lower left and whitney s voice coach in the lower right. is it not a fact that she told you, admitted to you she had done things that hurt her voice? she was having voice problems because of extra curricular activities. you knew who those extra