On Monday, The Finance Minister, Peggy Serame delivered her first ever Budget Speech, sealing her place in the history books as the first ever female to do so. While it’s easy to get lost in the jargon, with terms such as Budget Deficit, Public Debt and Fiscal Expenditure coming thick and fast, Voice Money ventured […]
Beat the heat with Organic Tswana Looking for something a little different to quench your thirst this summer? Refreshing and bursting with flavour, Organic Tswana’s range of juices could be just the pick-me-up you need to survive the January heat. The brainchild of 33-year-old Moarabi Makutu, the Tlokweng-based company began operating in 2020 and offers […]
Pandamatenga farmers forecast low grain yield Although ‘Pula’ is traditionally received with welcome relief, especially in Botswana were the dreaded drought is all too common, for the farmers of Pandamatenga there can be ‘too much of a good thing’. This is the damp reality facing farmers in the area, after the heavy rains which greeted […]
During his school days, when most boys his age were out playing football, Ratanang Morontshe was more interested in fashion, spending hours combing through magazines to keep up with the latest trends.
FNB warn customers against eWallet scammers First National Bank introduced eWallet services as a solution to offer convenience to customers through instant transfers of money, but criminals have turned the service into an opportunity to defraud people of their money. Through eWallet, a customer is able to send money, directly to a mobile number which […]