we built the most advanced voice infrastructure in terms of uk media. and were excited to be launching that over the next 18 months. so to say hard times. actually we had drill covid, everybody said their story to tell it has been horrendous for everyone in the businesses we look after. but actually, no, outside of the industry people look in and think wow, it s off inside the industry. we are incredibly limited. we work with a huge amount of talent every day. challenging but extremely exciting. but some jobs did go didn t pay? absolutely. we reach staffed business inevitably. impose covid we ve reshot business. one of the things was keeping journalist and that s what we done. and the older, more established newspaper titles and you have many and you re stable, how much do they still matter when people are finding so many
the space to innovate. as a result of the project, we built the most advanced voice infrastructure in terms of uk media. and we re excited to be launching that over the next 18 months. soto say hard times. actually throughout covid, everybody had their story to tell, and it has been horrendous for everyone in the businesses we look after, but actually, no, outside of the industry people look in and think wow, we work with a huge amount of talent every day. it s tough inside the industry but we have it s tough inside the industry but we have a it s tough inside the industry but we have a huge amount of fun. challenging but extremely exciting. but somejobs did go? absolutely. we reshape the business, that was an inevitability. in post covid we ve reshaped the business. one of the things was keeping journalists and that s what we done. and the older, more established newspaper titles and you have
i think the level of innovation that this business has been showing. we started working very closely with google. on one hand there s always a pressure of pension deficit but suddenly we started working with google, and we had some money in the bank to invest and be given the space to innovate. as a result of the project, we built the most advanced voice infrastructure in terms of uk media. and we re excited to be launching that over the next 18 months. so to say hard times. actually throughout covid, everybody had their story to tell, and it has been horrendous for everyone in the businesses we look after, but actually, no, outside of the industry people look in and think wow, we work with a huge amount of talent every day. challenging but extremely exciting. but somejobs did go? absolutely.
crisis is somewhere at the mark. i think crisis is somewhere at the mark. i think that crisis is somewhere at the mark. i think that archant had been on a good think that archant had been on a good trajectory for the last two or three good trajectory for the last two or three years in terms of the level of innovation three years in terms of the level of innovation that we ve employed for that we ve innovation that we ve employed for that we ve been hit and we ve been struggling that we ve been hit and we ve been struggling with a very heavy pension deficit struggling with a very heavy pension deficit. but beyond that pension deficit deficit. but beyond that pension deficit i deficit. but beyond that pension deficit i think the level of innovation that this business has been innovation that this business has been showing. the .net two years ago we started been showing. the .net two years ago we started working very closely with pure gold we started working very c