WESTON The archdiocese's priests and seminarians from the newly ordained transitional deacons to retired Regina Cleri residents had the chance to pray together and catch up with each other over a shared meal at the annual St. John Vianney Cookout that took place on Aug. 10 at Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary.
Immaculata University hosted the 14th annual men s spirituality conference March 19 as Catholic men gathered to share their faith and strengthen one another.
St. Timothy Parish in Philadelphia and St. Ignatius Parish in Yardley hosted prayers before the Blessed Sacrament to pray for vocations Jan. 5, feast of St. John Neumann.
Sarah Hanley of the Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia reflects on the success of the fundraiser last fall that raised $1.7 million for 124 Catholic entities in the Philadelphia Archdiocese.