Comedian and actress Tiffany Haddish recently visited her grandfather's village in Eritrea, where she met with government officials and experienced some of the country's culture and scenery.
At least 16 tourists died in freezing temperatures after being stranded in their vehicles in northern Pakistan, where thousands had flocked to enjoy the snow, officials said Saturday.
We shed a light on medical misdiagnosis, an under reported problem that causes great harm to patients. And Nigerian Doctor Usman Galadima elaborates on some causes of medical misdiagnosis and what can be done. We also explain why it is important to get a yearly physical exam.
Most refugees come to the U.S. lacking the proper skills to find work. A teenager from the Chicago suburbs decided to address this by collaborating with a local center to teach refugee women how to sew and give them the opportunity to earn a living. Kulsoom Khan explains.
Following the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan, hundreds of thousands of Afghans have sought sanctuary and resettlement in the United States. But now that they’re here, some families in Wisconsin's two largest cities are having trouble finding a place to live. Nukhbat Malik reports from Wisconsin.