Earlier this month to making a false statement to the fbi. His plea, his emails and other documents relating to his arrests that came out today tell us things we did not know until now. Whats more, they provided key new points along a timeline that special Counsel Robert Mueller could possibly build into a case that team trump colluded with russia to win the election. On top of all that another document unsealed today suggests that George Papadopoulos barely on the radar until now, might have been wearing a wire. We have koerpts covering all the angles tonight on him, on manafort, on the president as well as a team of legal and political experts. We begin with cnn man u rang u and George Papadopoulos who is front and center. Soon after joining the Trump Campaign in march 2016 George Papadopoulos had a meeting with a london based professor who promised dirt on Hillary Clintons campaign. He had multiple interactions with this professor. And the professors promise, actually came around th