It would be a tragedy if Latin America were to return to first another cycle of military involvement in politics or even a return to military rule, followed by another multi-decade effort to get the soldiers back in the barracks.
Mariupol s city council said today that Moscow s men were exhuming bodies buried in residential courtyards within the city and were assigning watchmen to stop locals from reburying their dead.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky sacked two top-ranking Ukrainian generals for being "traitors" and "antiheroes" who failed to protect the country amid the Russian attacks.
The ASX S&P200 gained 0.22% today, led by the chaotic energy sector which rallied 1.65%, having climbed 8.45% over the last month, the strongest performance.
The ASX S&P200 gained 0.22% today, led by the chaotic energy sector which rallied 1.65%, having climbed 8.45% over the last month, the strongest performance.