Dune. The epic film, based on one of the most beloved and bestselling science-fiction novels of all time, was originally going to release last December. But COVID-19 had other plans. Currently, the film is set to come out this October 1. That feels like forever from now. But you know what feels even farther?
Dune 2.
In case you forgot, Villeneuve’s
Dune only covers the first half of Frank Herbert’s book. And that first book is part of an ongoing
Dune series. Herbert published six before his death, with his son Brian co-writing many others. We have no idea if any subsequent
Stellan has had a prolific acting career which began when he was 21, and he has eight children, six with ex-wife My and two with his wife Megan Everett, who he married in January 2009.
Four of his sons from his first marriage, Aleksander, Bill, Gustaf and Valter, have all followed in his acting footsteps, while his daughter Eija is a former model.
Honest: Stellan (pictured in January last year) said he is so comfortable with his body that he always walk[s] around naked at his home
Thoughts: Promoting his latest film Hope (pictured) with Page Six, Stellan also reflected: My female friends consider me one of them and talk openly in front of me