Report: Lukashenko loyalists plotted murders in Germany
Officials plotted an assassination campaign against exiled dissidents and opponents of President Alexander Lukashenko, according to a clandestine recording.
Germany was one of the intended sites for a campaign of attacks on exiled Belarusian dissidents and opponents of President Alexander Lukashenko, according to a clandestine recording published by the online news platform
EUobserver on Monday. The audio file appears to feature a conversation from April 2012 involving former Belarusian intelligence service (KGB) head Vadim Zaitsev and two unidentified men, who are presumed to be state security officers.
The recording was passed on to
EUobserver by the Belarusian dissident Igor Makar. He told DW that he was sent the file by an anonymous source in the KGB. Makar is the former deputy commander of the Almaz Special Anti-Terrorism Unit, which is attached to the Interior Ministry, and he has been living in exile in Ger