Vivo V23 5G, Vivo V23 Pro 5G have been scheduled to launch in India on January 5 at 12pm IST (noon). A microsite which is live on the official website reveals some key specifications of the smartphone. The upcoming Vivo handsets will be powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 1200 SoC, paired with 8GB of RAM. The Sunshine Gold colour option for both smartphones will feature a colour changing technology.
Vivo V23 5G s India launch seems imminent as it has reportedly been spotted on Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) as well as Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) certification websites. The listings don t divulge much information about the upcoming smartphone. Vivo V23 5G is said to launch in India next month.
The Vivo V23e 5G, will be released in Thailand on November 23. The smartphone, which has the model number V2126, has appeared on Geekbench ahead of its introduction.