A noisy, illegal fireworks display near Mattapan Square ended in gunshots and chaos on Wednesday morning, leaving five people wounded. The incident was centered around the intersection of Edgewater Drive and River Street, about one block away from Mattapan Square. Police said they were called to the scene around 2 a.m. None of the injuries were considered life-threatening.
The street name ought to indicate that the Neponset River is flowing nearby, but few Edgewater Drive neighbors knew there was a stretch of waterfront at the end of their street off River Street near Mattapan Square until several residents began calling for improvements to what’s obscured by heavy undergrowth and a dilapidated stone wall: a walking path and a canoe launch. But
The Edgewater Food Forest in Mattapan is a formerly vacant lot now filled with fruit trees and berry bushes. Anyone in the community can harvest food for free.