Canada must make the energy sector a driving force of our economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Hear how we can do this while pursuing climate change goals, through transformative innovation and partnership between industry, governments and Indigenous communities. Claire Kennedy hosts this discussion with Vivek Warrier and Serge Dupont, all of Bennett Jones LLP.
In the first in a series of podcasts exploring the new energy economy, emerging trends and technologies transforming the energy industry, Vivek Warrier hosts a discussion with three special guests: the honorable Doug Schweitzer, Alberta Provincial Minister of Jobs, Economy, and Innovation, Bob Myles, Executive Vice President, Corporate Development of the ATCO Group, and Kenryo Mizutani, Senior Researcher in the Vancouver office of the Japan Oil and Gas and Metals National Corporation JOGMEC.
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In the first in a series of podcasts exploring the new energy economy, emerging trends and technologies transforming the energy industry, Vivek Warrier hosts a discussion with three special guests: the honourable Doug Schweitzer, Alberta Provincial Minister of Jobs, Economy, and Innovation, Bob Myles, Executive Vice President, Corporate Development of the ATCO Group, and Kenryo Mizutani, Senior Researcher in the Vancouver office of the Japan Oil and Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC).