Within hours after the movie Sundaram Master hit the OTT platform Aha Video, the movie fell prey to piracy, unfortunately. The entire content of this comedy-drama featuring Harsha Chemudu and Divya Sripada was copied and made into links that were shared online with various illegal websites. Even for viewers and enthusiasts who do not have subscriptions to the OTT platform.
Sundaram Master makes its OTT debut on Aha from March 28th, promising viewers an entertaining comedy-drama experience. Directed by Kalyan Santhosh and starring Harsha Chemudu, the film unveils the story of an English teachers surprising encounters in a tribal village. Dont miss out on this captivating journey filled with laughter and intriguing moments.
Explore the anticipated box office journey of Sundaram Master, a comedy-drama directed by Kalyan Santhosh and starring Harsha Chemudu. With its intriguing storyline and talented cast, including Divya Sripada and Harsha Vardhan, the film promises an entertaining cinematic experience. Stay tuned for updates on its box office performance and discover the secrets hidden within the tribal village.
On the opening day, Harsha Chemudus film Sundaram Master garnered a good buzz and the bookings were decent. According to the website Sacnilk, Sundaram Master was able to make about Rs 0.35 Crore at the box office on its first day. The movie pinned high hopes on the weekend as there was no big competition. Check out the day-wise box office collection below.
Within hours after its theatrical release worldwide, the movie fell prey to piracy, unfotunately. The entire content of this comedy drama featuring Harsha Chemudu and Divya Sripada was copied and made into links that were shared online with various illegal websites. These links are going viral on social media and allow the viewers to watch and download the movie Sundaram Master.