FOR Still, the original musical series produced by Viu, the cast, production staff and crew had to go through two lock-in tapings. “We’re about to go on our third lock-in,” said Viu chief content officer Garlic Garcia. “We had 100 people on set at any one time, all Covid-free. We…
Let’s face it. The internet has changed the way we consume content. We are no longer satisfied with our free TV access, but that doesn’t mean that we want to let go of it as well. Basically, we all want the best of both worlds access to the millions of contents…
Globe At Home - UNLI FIBER Up Plans The UNLI FIBER Up Plans are Globe At Home's latest line of leveled-up home broadband plans that deliver faster, more affordable, and accessible internet so that every member of the household can create better experiences and embrace the new normal of their everyd
No matter how ordinary our lives seem to be, we are the heroines in our own stories. Such is the inspiring narrative written in many K-dramas and perhaps is one of the many reasons for the genre’s enduring popularity. Whether intellectually or emotionally, no matter the age, K-drama fans relate…