Perform include theater cooperation exercises with partner nations, forces and contingency operations. Require our forces to maintain a high level of readiness and training the availability such as would you just noted the big island and others are critical to the marine corps ability to conduct operations in the pacific. Could you share your thoughts on the importance of training ranges, specially as we continue the rebalance in the asiapacific region . Senator, if were going to be what we need to do to be ready we have to have ranges that support our ability to use our weapons and to maneuver the force. One of the great advantages of a Training Area is ever able to go up there and drop bombs and shoot artillery and a lot of the things we need to do. That is him whenever space up there plus we have actually deployed there. We need to go up there, its like whether even though its only a matter of miles it doesnt matter to the pickup and you move. Where ever we go we have to be concerne