linkedin Various local OTT platforms (such as ALT Balaji and MX player) in India boast high viewership figures for mature content a genre that is witnessing heavy investment and is slated to grow further. In a society that has historically shied away from overt or explicit depictions of sex, is the growth in easily accessible adult content a sign of normalising conversations around sex, or a further reinforcement of regressive gender norms? Does it indicate sexual liberation or a double-down on taboos? Has the male gaze shifted at all? The kind of content we see and consume not only mirrors where we are currently but also reveals strong social undercurrents, which serve as a guide to gradual shifts in thinking and behaviour. Popular forms of media are often used to help predict the nature as well as the pace of change.
Various local OTT platforms (such as ALT Balaji and MX player) in India boast high viewership figures for mature content a genre that is witnessing heavy investment and is slated to grow further. In a society that has historically shied away from overt or explicit depictions of sex, is the growth in easily accessible adult content a sign of normalising conversations around sex, or a further reinforcement of regressive gender norms? Does it indicate sexual liberation or a double-down on taboos? Has the male gaze shifted at all?
The kind of content we see and consume not only mirrors where we are currently but also reveals strong social undercurrents, which serve as a guide to gradual shifts in thinking and behaviour. Popular forms of media are often used to help predict the nature as well as the pace of change.