Heartbroken loved ones and Ukrainian locals have mourned the tragic death of four-year-old girl Liza Dmytrieva at a funeral, with a priest bursting into tears as he told grieving relatives "evil cannot win".
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy fired his state security chief and prosecutor general, citing hundreds of criminal proceedings into treason and collaboration by people within their departments and other law enforcement agencies.
A Ukrainian four-year-old killed by a Russian missile strike has been buried in central Ukraine, with a weeping Orthodox priest telling her distraught relatives ""evil cannot win"".
The head of Ukraine’s security services and its prosecutor general were sacked after scores of government staff were accused of working with Russian forces.
Russia-Ukraine war: President Zelenskyy dismissed Ivan Bakanov, a childhood friend and former business partner whom he had appointed to head the state security service (SBU). Bakanov had come under growing criticism over security breaches since the war began.