06/10/2022 - El jueves 13 de octubre, los equipos que han desarrollado los proyectos a lo largo del año presentarán sus trabajos a profesionales en el Mercado Internacional del Audiovisual
06/10/2022 - On Thursday 13 October, in Rome’s Cinema Barberini, the teams who developed these projects over the year will present their works to professionals at the International Audiovisual Market
10/05/2022 - The head of the Romanian production company selected at this year’s Producers on the Move talks about the challenges of working in a small film industry, and dancing
10/05/2022 - The head of the Romanian production company selected at this year’s Producers on the Move talks about the challenges of working in a small film industry, and dancing
10/05/2022 - The head of the Romanian production company selected at this year’s Producers on the Move talks about the challenges of working in a small film industry, and dancing