Feb 23 2021 Read 448 Times
The fully automatic airmoVOC C6-C20+ auto-GC-FID analyser is specifically designed to carry out the measurement of hydrocarbons from C6 to higher than C25 (linear alcanes) with a sensitivity in the range of low ppt (ng/m3).
This highly regarded instrument from
Chromatotec measures naphthalene, 2-methyl-naphtalene, 1-methyl-naphtalene, acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, fluorene, phenanthrene and anthracene as standard. The aimoVOC C6-C20+ was also recently used for benzo(a)pyrene analysis. It has already been deployed in various French reference institutes and universities to monitor PAHs at industrial sites, tropical forests and sites under decontamination.
When coupled with Quadrupole MS, any unexpected or unknown compounds are automatically identified thanks to the internal NIST library embedded in the system’s internal computer. With detection limit as low as 1 ppt for benzene or naphthalene the system can measure gaseous PAHs in ambient air in con