CLLR Irene Winters has inquired why there are plans for a launch of the Glendalough Masterplan when councillors have still yet to be furnished with a draft of the master plan.
Cllr Shay Cullen is seeking updates on the status of the Glendalough Masterplan and the old Ashford Garda Station for December’s monthly meeting of Wicklow Municipal District.
CLLR Shay Cullen sought an update on the Glendalough Masterplan at the March monthly meeting of Wicklow Municipal District, commenting “I feel it has stalled a bit.”
A local stakeholders meeting regarding the Glendalough and Wicklow Mountains Masterplan and Visitor Orientation Plan is due to take place soon.
Wicklow County Council Chief Executive, Frank Curran, provided the elected members with an update of the plan at last Monday s monthly meeting of Wicklow County Council.
Cllr Tom Fortune had inquired about both the master plan for Glendalough and the Wicklow Mountains, and the tourist strategy in place for Wicklow for this year.
In May of last year Fáilte Ireland issued a tender worth €500,000 to come up with a masterplan on how to manage traffic and the visitor experience in Glendalough, and Consarc Consultants were appointed.