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we can hold this to rosenstein and others in contempt and impeach. the other way would be for the president of the united states to demand them, order them to give us the documents. heather: donald trump will be briefed on the report before it is released to the public. with the primary season in full swing donald trump is optimistic about midterm elections saying republicans are on track for success this november. history is against me because for whatever reason you win the election and the lose seats. i think we will do very well. i think the economy is so good, the tax but have been incredible, far greater than even i thought they would be, regulation cuts have been great. i have done more in 500 days than any president has ever done in their first 500 days. if you look at the numbers and the turnouts like texas, how many republicans showed up to
vote, people are surprised. heather: donald trump will rally americans to get out and vote next week in minnesota. republican congressional candidate crediting the president and his last-minute endorsement for beating out her republican counterpart. in a tight race katie arrington winning 50.6% of the vote as mark sanford loses his first election ever. reduced to more trump versus not and i lost that race. my opponent said this might her words were this is the party of donald j trump. i don t believe it is the party of donald j trump. is your career over in politics? that would be my take. heather: is it safe to say voters side with the president? here is the woman who secured her name on the november ballot, state representative and congressional candidate kate barrington. thanks for joining us,
heather: it seems things are slowly getting back to normal after a power outage disrupted one of the country s busiest airports. travelers in las vegas left in the dark for eight hours. hundreds of passengers frustrated by flight delays and flow arriving luggage, another outage plant overnight for maintenance. a faulty wire blamed for that problem. one person is dead after two small planes collided in midair. the first slamming into an alaskan river killing a 56-year-old man, the only person on board. the second pilot made an emergency landing at airports despite heavy damage to the landing gear. he was not injured. here is something for you, alice marie johnson getting a chance to thank kim kardashian west for her newfound freedom and that is not all. the reality tv start teaching the community convict a thing or