and last chance at medicare open enrollment, too. what do yean? it ends december 7th. if you haven t reviewed your medicare plan oices yet, well, it s getting late. medicare gives you free cancer screenings and wellness visits, and 50% o brand name prescription drugs when you re in e donut hole. it s all part of the health care law. december 7th? i better get goin ! [ male announcer ] medicare open enrollment ends soon. cal1-800-medice or visit to learn re.
well, it s getting late. medicare gives you free cancer screenings and wellness visits, and 50% o brand name prescription drugs when you re in e donut hole. it s all part of the health care law. december 7th? i better get goin ! [ male announcer ] medicare open enrollment ends soon. cal1-800-medice or visit to learn re. shepard: the truth is ivan worse. the bankrupt brokerage firm m.f. global may have lost more than a billion dollars of its clients money. twice as much as regulators first estimated. that from a trustee who is trying to return the cash to investigators former new jersey governor resigned as ceo of m.f. global after the company told the. regulators investigating how much money really disappeared and whether the firm wrongly mixed clients cash with company assets. something you cannot do.
if you haven t reviewed your medicare plan oices yet, well, it s getting late. medicare gives you free cancer screenings and wellness visits, and 50% o brand name prescription drugs when you re in e donut hole. it s all part of the health care law. december 7th? i better get goin ! [ male announcer ] medicare open enrollment ends soon. cal1-800-medice or visit to learn re. where together, we re transforming tomorrow.
well, it s getting late. medicare gives you free cancer screenings and wellness visits, and 50% o brand name prescription drugs when you re in e donut hole. it s all part of the health care law. december 7th? i better get goin ! [ male announcer ] medicare open enrollment ends soon. cal1-800-medice or visit to learn re.