grandpa! (vo) call, click or come in today to learn how to start your better days. miracle-ear.hear a better day. tucker: the former yugoslav republican of macedonia is a small mountainous country in eastern europe, most people struggle to find it on the map let alone tell you anything about it, alexander the great was from there. according to hillary clinton, this tiny nation has destroyed america s democratic tradition. all these stories about guys in macedonia who are running these fake news sites. it s been quite a feat for nation of population smaller than houston, snaky macedonian hackers lay low the world s
mightiest superpower, to find out we send catherine to the macedonian embassy in d.c. were standing outside the embassy of the republic of macedonia, we want to get their take on what we thought about being blamed for hillary s loss in the election. it s a holy day of obligation, i guess the answer is no comment for now. after the embassy, the republic of macedonia is a lost cause, we decided to come to a balkan restaurant, there s nobody for macedonia there either. if we decide to hit the streets but what you think about hillary clinton blaming macedonia for the loss of the election? blaming macedonia, i think that s a scapegoat, i think there s a lot of different reasons. i don t follow all that. even you couldn t find a single macedonian and the district of columbia, coincidence or validity to hillary statements?
be? [laughs] thanks for putting me on the spot, i don t know who s going to be on the ticket in 2020. let s be honest. hillary clinton had not visited macedonia while she was secretary of state. macedonia was left on the sidelines during the entire obama administration, you haven t seen a secretary of state visit macedonia since 2003, nor a president since 1999 or a defense secretary since 2007. why target macedonia during this time when macedonia is facing some obstacles internally, particularly with a change of government which just happened yesterday. there s tons of websites created all over the world by many people. tucker: why target macedonia, home of mother theresa, a newly free country, i
tucker: he was a soviet scientist who substitutes a blizzard for science and one up with wrong conclusions but why do all scientists oppose yo you? it s great to see you. tucker: expects you re not dealing with facts. macedonia has 2 million people. hillary clinton is blaming them for election loss, were looking for this tiny republic subverted a superpower, stay tuned for the macedonia update. stressful days can lead to sleepless nights making you feel helpless. take control of your sleep with unisomĀ® sleeptabs. you fall asleep 33% faster and wake up recharged
we hit the embassy, they were observing a holy day so none of the employees were around. we figured why not give the balkan restaurant a shot and that was a lost cause at also. at that point, i was just determined for answers and hungry, we figured why not just ask anybody that was in my way. did anybody know what you were talking about where macedonia is, the language of macedonia, ? there were trump supporters, hillary supporters, there wasn t anything surprising about what they were saying, they seem to know was somewhat was going on. for those that didn t, i told them and they had an opinion after that. tucker: you are a beacon of truth in a dark city. thanks for joining us. we tracked down a representative from macedonia, president of