After 14 months spent mostly at home in the company of their children, moms are seeking a day of peace and quiet more than ever this year. For proof, look no further than the hilariously honest mothers on Twitter.
We’ve rounded up 13 tweets about the second pandemic Mother’s Day.
I was locked in my home for months on end being a chef, a teacher, and a damn circus performer by the time Mother’s Day rolled around last year.
It’s solitude for me this year. Solitude, sleep, and snacks. The Michelle Dempsey (@MichelleDWrites) May 5, 2021
Can someone communicate to my family that for Mother’s Day I want to be the opposite of “feeling seen” lilswizzy (@MotherPlaylist) May 6, 2021
Them: what’s parenthood like?
Me: I spent my Saturday evening picking every bit of parsley off dinner so tiny people stop crying is what it’s like. The 21st Century SAHM (@21stcenturysahm) January 14, 2018
The best way to get your picky kid to eat is to get your own plate of food and be starving and they will eat 3/4 of whatever you made for yourself. steph (@eff yeah steph) June 27, 2018
My daughter couldn’t eat because her banana was too sad That Mom Tho (@mom tho) July 18, 2020
Eating Out w/Kids:
Act 2: Won t eat it bec forgot he doesn t like it
“Dirty 30.” “Thirty, flirty and thriving.” There are many quippy ways to describe this significant decade.
But perhaps the best descriptions of this stage of life come from the funny and relentlessly honest folks on Twitter. Whether you’re obsessed about home decor or feeling the pain of hangovers more than ever before, this time is all about new experiences.
Below, we’ve rounded up 30 tweets about being in your 30s.
Nobody warns you how excited you’ll be about orthopedic pillows in your 30s Ella Cerón (@ellaceron) April 3, 2021
Me, in my teens: This radio station is playing my jams.
“Dirty 30.” “Thirty, flirty and thriving.” There are many quippy ways to describe this significant decade.
But perhaps the best descriptions of this stage of life come from the funny and relentlessly honest folks on Twitter. Whether you’re getting stoked about home decor or feeling the pain of hangovers more than ever before, this time is all about new experiences.
Below, we’ve rounded up 30 tweets about being in your 30s.
Nobody warns you how excited you’ll be about orthopedic pillows in your 30s Ella Cerón (@ellaceron) April 3, 2021
Me, in my teens: This radio station is playing my jams.
Funny Tweets About Turning Your Camera On Or Off In The Zoom Era I haven t tried skydiving but I imagine the rush is like joining a zoom meeting with your camera already on.
04/22/2021 05:23pm EDT
More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us are still working from home ― which means our meetings continue to take the form of video conference calls.
While we may think we’ve got the whole Zoom thing down by now, there’s still the awkward dance around the age-old (coronavirus era) question: Should I turn my camera on or off? It turns out whichever option you choose, there’s ample space for hilarious mishaps and odd realizations.