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importrtant traditionon in brir. because yoyou are greaeater than youour bipolar r 1, and you cacan help takake contntrol of youour symptoms - - with vraylylar. some medicicines only y tt the lolows or highghs. vraylar treats depepressi, acutute manic, anand mixed epepisodes off bibipolar 1 inin adults. proven, full-spectrum relilief for all bibipolar 1 symptom. anand in vraylyr clinical s studie, most saw o subsbstantial imimpt on w weight. eldederly dementntia patients have increreased riskk of d death or ststroke. callll your doctctor about unususual changeges in behavar or suiuicidal thououghts. antitidepressantnts can incrce these inin childrenn and d young adulults. reportrt fever, ststiff muscls or confusision which h may mean a a lilife-threatetening reactct, or uncontrtrollable muscle m movements which may y be permanenent. high b blood sugarar, which n lead to cocoma or deatath, weightht gain and d high cholesteterol may ococcur. movementnt dysfunctition and d restlessneness