Sruthi Lakshmi is evicted from the Bigg bOSS Malayalam season 5. This time it was a jumbo nomination list with nine people. Junaiz, Sagar, Anu, Sruthi, Cerena, Sobha, Reneesha, Akhil, and Vishnu were on the list.
Sruthi Lakshmi has predicted the names of those contestants who she thinks will reach the top 5. After leaving the Bigg Boss show, Sruthi opened up her opinion in Asianets Bigg Boss exit talk.
Bigg Boss Malayalam season five is all set to complete sixty days. In the meantime, many people have been evicted from the show. Sruthi also got evicted. Shruti said that it was a very good experience, and at the same time, Bigg Boss is a challenging show. Shruti was reacting to the media after exiting the show. Sruthi also spoke about her relationship with Rinosh.
PR work is something that comes up in discussions related to Bigg Boss seasons. PR work is generally understood as something that the contestants of each season make arrangements for in advance to generate the support they need from outside.
The social media and the audience are praising Junaiz for coming to comfort Vishnu when he cried. Junaiz is the hotel manager for the current house task. But since the start of the task, most of the contestants, including Vishnu, have been disobeying Junaiz instructions.