Amaravati: Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy left for Mulapet Greenfield port in Srikakulam on Wednesday morning. The Chief Minister will perform bhoomi pujan and lay the foundation stone for Mulapet Greenfield port being developed with an estimated cost of Rs 4,362 crore shortly. In the first phase, the 4-berth Mulapet port will have a cargo capacity of 23.5 million
Amaravati: Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy will visit Srikakulam on Wednesday where he will lay the foundation stone for the renamed Mulapet Greenfield Port. The itinerary of CM YS Jagan’s Srikakulam visit is as follows. CM YS Jagan will leave his official residence in Tadepalli at 8 am on April 19 for Gannavaram airport At 9.20 am, YS Jagan will reach Visakhapatnam
The land earmarked for the project belongs to Mulapeta and Vishnu Chakram villages and people from these villages were displaced due to the project, therefore, the request for changing the port name was approved Vijayawada: Bhavanapadu Port in Srikakulam renamed as Mulapeta Port, said Infrastructure and Investments (Ports) Special Chief Secretary Karikal Valaven. The Andhra