The Juvenile Justice Board in Pune extended the observation home remand of a 17-year-old boy involved in a fatal car crash until June 25. The boy, who was allegedly driving under the influence, is undergoing counselling sessions. The extension was sought for safety and investigative purposes amid an ongoing probe.
In a fresh arrest in the sensational Porsche hit-and run-case, the Pune police on Saturday took into custody the mother of the minor accused who ran over two techies in an alleged inebriated state, for allegedly giving her blood sample to swap with that of the 17-year-old boy.
Confirming the
The court also extends the police custody of the juvenile's grandfather till May 31 in the same case. A Pune court on Tuesday remanded the father of a.
A Pune court remanded the father and extended the police custody of the grandfather of a juvenile involved in a fatal Porsche crash until May 31. Both are accused of kidnapping and wrongful confinement of the family driver to coerce him into taking the blame for the accident that killed two IT professionals.