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Ahead of Panchayat elections, a 24/7 Control room has been set up by Visakhapatnam City Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB) under the directions of Police Commissioner Manish Kumar Sinha. The SEB officials said that people can send their complaints and even pass information by phone/SMS/ WhatsApp to a dedicated number 9440904317 during the panchayat elections in the city, about any illegal activity regarding liquor, ID arrack, sand, gaming and NDPS activities. Immediate action will be taken on the information received and the details of those who have provided the information will be kept confidential, the officials said.
According to the instructions of Commissioner, Special Enforcement Bureau, Vineet Brijlal, an action plan in has been formulated by Additional DCP (SEB) V. Ajitha and Assistant Commissioner SEB M. Bhaskar Rao. The instructions have been conveyed to all the SEB personnel in the city during the coordination meeting.