our government apparently didn t catch the false address in pakistan that she listed on her application. that might be an understatement. we are learning with this woman who was behind the attacks last week. she was able to fool a lot of people. tashfeen malik even got the pakistani government to write off on a number of lies and inconsistency. and the fact she might have had a radicalized past even there. so much we don t know, but that s where they are trying to pursue this whole visa waiver bill to try to make sure that these marriage visas that oftentimes quickly are granted to those who are going to marry someone who is already an american citizen and even if they come from a risky neck of the woods be allowed to do so. the danger is that we are not dotting our i s and crossing our
ben laden, is that right? i do because they have a governing territory and exploited social media well beyond what bin laden can do with curries and with 200 isis tweets per day, they basically permeated society in a global way over the internet, which is caused from 100 different countries, 30,000 foreign fighters going to iraq and syria, 5,000 of them with western passports to get into the united states without a visa, which is why we passed the visa waiver bill that we pass in congress yesterday. you didn t mention the vast amount of land, the size of the state of indiana and the more than $1 billion that they have collected. they are the richest terror group in history, as well. we have to stop the energy, oil tankers driving into turkey and have to stop giving leaflets in advance. do you think turkey is come
look forward talking to you more about the visa waiver bill. appreciate it. war-wary americans have been against boots on the ground. that tide appears to be changing. is president obama open to a shift in his isis strategy? we ll ask a former top adviser to the president, next. used at the first sign.d an it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don t tough it out, knock it out, fast. abreva.