brother. it is very difficult to defend novak and brother. it is very difficult to defend novak and not - brother. it is very difficult to | defend novak and not offend brother. it is very difficult to - defend novak and not offend anyone at the same time. we are fighters forjustice and rule of law and we have done everything we could to follow all the procedures.- have done everything we could to follow all the procedures. whilst we had from his follow all the procedures. whilst we had from his family, follow all the procedures. whilst we had from his family, novak- follow all the procedures. whilst we had from his family, novak djokovici had from his family, novak djokovic who we thought would join the news conference but didn t, has taken to twitter and announced for the first time since he announced last week it was on his way to australia, i am pleased and grateful the judge overturned my visa consolation. despite all that has happened i want to stay and try to complete and