that report even notes that scientists at the lab who got covime from d didn t follow safy protocols. i think they were french kissing bats. don t knock it. meanwhile, a newly released chat and email section. there were great reporter michael schellenberg detailsw how five top scientists expressed belief that the virus escaping fro m the lab was possible, if not probable. but they, along fouchierthey l led journalists and the public pu fouchierotherwise still thought a lab leak was possible. in apri l 2020.t th but that was one month after w publicly claiming that it wasn t. but hey, a short man with a book to sell will say a lot of things. just a reminder to this remie will be out next week, july 25th. be sure and order yours now. let s get me out nex on the.. daddy needs a new boat. but fortune. his cronies weren t the only problem.