china, now we payaratio the reparations. how does this work? well, 40% of the people in the world live in india and china and are full boreey ue on coal and natural gas. c and they re nooat goinral gas.gc . so if this is just a virtue tha signal that s empty and wet should remember, tucker, thatbio we have 50 billion dollars leaving this country in foreign aid every year. we have almost 50 million people living here that weren t born in the united states . they send out 60 billion dollars in remittances because we don t even tax it. eroun th policye indus in the world. and it s allst r based on thisea that the industrial revolutionr of two hundred years makes us guilty for carbon, when, in fact, it was the greatest boon that humans have ever experienced. it gav experiene the third world or the non west the green agricultural revolution culturne pharmaceuticals, high tech cars and made life affluent, , leisured to a degree never imagined, with no research and development in thesed de