Join the editors of, Virtualization & Cloud Review and have created this free, half-day virtual event pulling together independent experts who will walk you through real-life techniques, best practices and more for helping you keep your cloud data protected and truly recoverable in 2022 and beyond. Learn more.
Join us as we discuss the dynamics of a new-age disaster recovery program that addresses a mobile workforce, the threat of ransomware, the sudden absence of key people, and how to define viable alternatives in the New Year. Learn more.
10 considerations for Kubernetes deployments
Container development promises unprecedented portability and scalability in the cloud. However, There are many questions to consider before starting your first container development project. It can be difficult to know what operating system to use, if you should build or buy your Kubernetes platform, and if this new direction will affect your organization.
This whitepaper will give you answers to those daunting questions and cover the 10 considerations that can help ensure that your Kubernetes deployment will support your enterprise nowâand into the future.
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Using the AWS Launch Wizard to Simplify Application Deployment, Part 2: Secret Names and More
After explaining how to use the AWS Launch Wizard to deploy a new Active Directory environment, Brien Posey shows you the rest of the process, beginning with the requirement to create a domain administrator secret name.
03/08/2021 In the previous article, I began showing you the process for using the AWS Launch Wizard to deploy a new Active Directory environment. Now, I want to show you the rest of the process, beginning with the requirement to create a domain administrator secret name. In AWS, a secret is essentially just a set of stored credentials. To create a secret, go to the list of services and select the Secrets Manager option. It s found in the Security, Identity and Compliance section. When the Secrets Manager opens, click on the Store a New Secret button. Select the Other Type of Secrets option, and then select the Plaintext tab, shown in
Plan to survive and thrive in the face of natural and man-made data disasters with this comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan Template. Inventory your organization’s IT infrastructure and critical information, and develop a detailed plan to recover and restore service.