/PRNewswire/ Virtual Investor Conferences, the leading proprietary investor conference series, today announced that the presentations from the February 4th.
This will be a live, interactive online event where investors are invited to ask the company questions in real-time. If attendees are not able to join the event live on the day of the conference, an archived webcast will also be made available after the event.
It is recommended that investors pre-register and run the online system check to expedite participation and receive event updates.
Learn more about the event at www.virtualinvestorconferences.com.
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About BacTech Environmental
BacTech is investigating the prospects of a build/own/operate bioleach facility to be based in Ponce Enriquez, Ecuador. The selection of Ponce Enriquez is driven by the extremely high levels of arsenic that is associated with gold in the +90 small mines in the area which attract high penalties in smelting . Presently, the miners are forced to sell their production at reduced prices to Asian buyers due to the high arsenic values in the concentrates and accept lower financial r