Right now, we are growing up in a world that is constantly turning, changing and evolving. We are finding our own ways of life, facing our own challenges and beginning to find out who we really are. These last few months, we have struggled, for most of us, in ways we never have before. Our world has stopped. It seems as though the clocks stopped ticking, but the arrows kept moving without us. It may feel like we have missed out on almost a year of our lives. I assure you, this is not the case. We have physically isolated ourselves; however, in some ways, it has brought us all closer together. It made us realize how much we need each other, how much the world needs us. Just like so many amazing people who are working day and night to keep us safe, one day, it will be our turn to take care of the world. This is an immense responsibility to carry on our shoulders but it is one that we must prepare ourselves for so that one day, we can look out at a better world and believe that we made