Biden’s Executive Order 14024 due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Office of Foreign Assets Control OFAC restrictions on economic activity with Russia, FinTechs Learn from Previous OFAC Actions
The innovative use of virtual currencies is hotter than ever, but so is a dark side of these instruments: their exploitation in ransomware schemes. This year, since January 2021,.
November 8, 2021, may have been the most significant single day in the United States' "whole of government" anti-ransomware campaign. The Department of Justice, Department of the.
Like you, all we want for Christmas is a tungsten metal cube NFT to keep us warm.
This month, Midwest Tungsten Service, a metal manufacturer based in the US, sold an NFT which represents a 2,000-pound (907 KG) tungsten cube for around USD 250,000. Once every year, the lucky owner has the right to visit and touch the cube. Beats putting it under the Christmas tree, and better for storage, so numerous upsides.