The UNC System will hold a series of virtual events to explore student mental health beginning Tuesday.
The series, called the 2021 Virtual Behavioral Health Convening, will include representatives from all 17 UNC system campuses exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student, faculty and staff mental health.
“Considering the tumultuous year students have endured, it is encouraging to know that mental health is a top priority for all institutions in the UNC System,” said Toya Corbett, UNC System assistant vice president of student affairs, in a statement Monday. “Discussions during the Behavioral Health Covening will engage everyone in a concerted effort to foster a culture of care on their respective campuses.”
Need help with your mental health? There s an app for that.
Ryan Schwartz clearly recalls the moment that sparked the creation of his app, Mental Health Match.
He was in the Heights, having coffee with a friend, and each had their phones out.
Schwartz was searching for a therapist. His mother had just died, and he was trying to find someone who specialized in grief. The therapist also had to be in his price range, accepting new clients and a good fit in general.
Meanwhile, his friend across the table was setting up a profile on a dating app.