Winnipeg s Virgo Rising Get Cosmic on Sixteenth Sapphire EP
Published Mar 11, 2021
Somewhere below the moon at certain twilight hours, you can see Mercury hanging in the sky like a false star. It s an unassuming little planet with a quiet, complicated pull; the Greeks deemed it the planet of the mind, a nervous messenger that reveals itself only as the light begins to fade. It s also the ruling planet of Virgo, the sign of the meticulous and single-minded, and its influence is felt all over
Sixteenth Sapphire, the spidery debut EP from Winnipeg trio Virgo Rising.
Vocalist and guitarist Emily Sinclair and multi-instrumentalists Lauren and Jenna Wittman make quietly confident, interior music knotty and intricate but never belaboured, their songwriting feels less like a diary than it does a brain-scan, a complex web of light put to tape. Across six tracks of bait-and-switch guitar music,