Water Quality Standards and Natural Gas Pipelines
SB 1311 (McClellan) requires an applicant for a natural gas transmission pipeline greater than 36 inches (inside diameter) to submit in its application a detailed erosion and sediment control plan and stormwater management plan (Plan) subject to Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) review and approval. Upon receipt of such application, the bill directs DEQ to issue a request for information from the applicant about how the Plan will address activities in or related to upland areas. DEQ must consider such information in developing a draft certification or denial, and in issuing additional notice to the public. SB 1311 also prohibits DEQ and/or the State Water Control Board from expressly waiving certification of a natural gas transmission pipeline of greater than 36 inches inside diameter under § 401 of the federal Clean Water Act and requires a decision on a certification request within a reasonable time pursuant to federal law