and guess add one more problem, it s the dems not trump who are truly up, the virginia party, the only people who had it worst anyone who ate dana perino s [laughter] [cheers and applause] two-year target of scandal dodge ball, the dems are are soaking in the real stuff. no wonder adam schiff is running down the street in underwear screaming tax returns, it s a deflection the party is in trouble, mueller is giving them zilch. and hope that maybe the media pays attention which they will.
that s enveloped the democratic virginia party. it was in ralph northam s medical yearbook page. now another democrat, virginia attorney general has admitted to wearing black face. in his statement today he said in 1980 when i was 19-year-old undergraduate in college, some friends suggested we attend the party dressed like rappers we listened to at the time like curtis blow and perform the song. it sounds rilsz even now writing it but because we did not have an appreciation for the experiences and perspectives of others. we dressed and put on wigs and makeup. while northam has said he won t step down, the ag has left that possibility open. he wrote in the days ahead, honest conversations and discussions will make it clear whether i can or should continue to serve as attorney general.
director of american crossroads and steven cobb, former general counsel to the democratic virginia party. gentlemen, appreciate you being here. ian, first to you. is attacking jeb bush the right way to do this attacking donald trump the right way to do this for jeb bush, or as politico suggested donald trump is teflon don? i don t think he s teflon don. you can t underestimate donald trump, he s polling extremely well, but you can t overestimate what a poll in off years is like. fred thompson and rudy giuliani were leading in the polls, go back as far as 1991 bill clinton was in 11th place in the summer of the off year. so i think there are multiple ways that jeb can really handle this in choosing to go after trump in the past. while may not take hold right away, sooner or later as the field whittles down people will look more to the substance of trump and less of the sound bite. give me the other perspective