Water we have in missouri and we need to protect the quality of water have in our state. All across our state drinking and Wastewater Treatment systems, many built decades ago are starting to fall apart. If youve ever had a pipe burst in your basement, or a cracked maintain your subdivision, you know how costly and annoying that can be. Thats what my budget this year includes 70 million, funds already approved by the voters and the legislature, to rebuild these aging Water Systems now and ensure that we leave missouris water better than we found them. [applause] our rivers and streams are part of the priceless Outdoor Heritage that missourians can enjoy. Our 87 state parks and Historic Sites have been recognized as the finest in the nation for camping, hiking bicycling and paddling, with millions of visitors every year. This is the year, this year, is our opportunity to update and renovate our state park cabins and lodges with special attention to preserving the Historic Structures bui
We still have very substantial infrastructure revenue needs that have to be addressed. We have studied every option. Some have advocated raising the state gas tax. Yes, we do have the third lowest gas tax in america. Gas prices are now down to their lowest level since 2009. NonSouth Carolinans who visit our state would pay a portion of the tax and we would boost the are revenue stream thats dedicated to improving our roads and highways. But there are also major problems with it. We have not gotten to where we are as a state with our strengthening and growing economy by raising taxes. Quite the opposite. If all we do is increase taxes whether its the gas tax or some other tax, we will hurt our citizens, we will discourage job creators and we will dampen our economy. As ive said many times, i will veto any straightup increase in the gas tax. Thats just not going to happen while im governor. Its the wrong thing for South Carolina. So heres the deal. Lets do three things at once that will
Concerns over vulnerable mine reclamation bonds in West Virginia has the Senate attempting to be proactive according to Senate President Craig Blair (R-Berkeley) who introduced Senate Bill 1, “Creating a Mining Mutual Insurance Company” on the first day of the 2022 legislative session.