just get it out there and get it done, he does everything he can to draw more attention to his i don t know what he has to hide, but his dad, in 1968, released, i think, ten years worth of tax stuff with no problem. i don t know what this guy s problem is. stan, today is friday, it s friday the 13th. you know the rules, you release bad rules on a friday and it gets drowned out. they released five minutes ago that they would be doing an extension, and they said somewhere between now and six months from now they ll put up the data. but i think this is sort of a mistake, and i d like to echo what dan says, that he actually draws more attention to the issue than it would have otherwise. obviously we re going to see before the election, whether it s by people screaming about it and demanding it or whether he ll just release it. now he s drawing attention to his record on transparency. he has a very bad record on transparency, and i think the more this goes on, the more people, especi
here. this issue is so hot, but the romney team tried to keep the controversy surrounding hilary rosen s comments going yet for another day when this afternoon mitt romney introduced his wife where? at the convention, and then both romneys talked about, not surprisingly, the issue of motherhood. listen to what he said. i believe all moms are working moms, and if you have five sons, your work is never over. let me give a shoutout to all moms that are working, and, by the way, to all dads that are working, we love all of you. you know, i often think that you re only, as a parent, as happy as your saddest child. and you never, ever stop being a parent. michelle bernard, what s the legitimate issue in all of this? clearly hilary rosen should ner
he s got to be able to tie this to something real. for instance, next week there s going to be an opportunity, a vote on this buffet rule. one of the things that some of the younger people are saying is the student debt is awful right now. that s a real bread and butter issue. the interest rate on student debt could go up from 3.6% to 3.8%. with the buffet rule you could use some of that money. fairer taxes for rich people to help young people go to college. if he can help this arrogance of romney to actual problems people have like trying to go to college, he might be able to draw the right comparison. the guy is straight arrow, which is one reason i don t understand why he doesn t put it out there. thank you. allow me to finish with an unfinished battle from the 2008
everybody had responded. and they mostly distanced themselves from rosen s comments, but steven colbert had fun with it. i have a personal stake in this issue, a mom, my mom. which makes me half mom on my mom side and these remarks infuriate me. this is good, folks, this story is delicious. jimmy put rosens quote up on the crawl, all the time, now play the quote on a loop. his wife has actually never worked a day in her life. now drop a fat beat on it. lost in the fire storm were the deeper issues that many female voters care about.
lawyers. but what we do still know now is that the judge discloses herself. she went ahead and disclosed the potential for the appearance of conflict and now she s leaving it up to the attorney what he wants to do. he could actually file a motion to have her removed and have her replaced with another j. a week from today seems like it will be a significant date in the chronology of this case because that s when o mara will try to have zimmerman released from jail. exactly, michael, and here s the issue. the previous attorneys for george zimmerman had made a big issue of the idea that he s unsafe in this community, particularly people in the african-american community are out to get george, that he wasn t safe. it s a question now why he would want to be released back into this community. where would he go? yeah, and i did ask leaders in the african-american community as well as the mayor of sanford, what did they think about this? and from the police department which said they