we will let you know if he makes any news. it s time for seen and unseen where we unpacked the cultural side of the seismic elections. we turned to fox news contributor, author of the book the spiders who stole christmas. the reaction to these results, it was amazing. we live and i m predicable times, the republican s leading in virginia by 84,000 votes, that is a shock to the system. very sobering, unexpected, surprisingly. i didn t expect the night to go that badly for democrats for democrats. underperforming by more than ten points. this is what happens when certain media refused to cover parental unrest over curricula or backlash over lockdowns. when the people speak is and oh, my god, moment. these of the events and movement they ve never even considered. laura: it s like if a tree falls in the forest, it doesn t fall if no one sees it.
we will let you know if he makes any news. time for seen and unseen where we unpacked the cultural side of the seismic election and return to the author of the book the spider who saved christmas raymond arroyo, the media reaction to these results was amazing. we live in very unpredictable times, republican leading in virginia by 84,000 votes, that s a shock to the system. sobering, unexpected, surprising, didn t expect the night to go that badly for democrats. of the counties where mcauliffe is underperforming. this is what happens when certain media refuse to cover parental unrest over curricula or backlash or lockdowns, when the people speak it is an oh my god moment because these are the events and movements you never covered before, they never considered them.
we re going to work backrom that and we ll get to that headline but that s where we t.star two, three, four days ahead. he never does this. once every eight days they remember they re supposed to be talking about job. right and they talk about access to capital and women running the economy. you want to distract? talk about jobs. the very thing that s going to help you is also going to distract. you have to stay on it. do something. don t talk about russia, talk about this, talk about that. jobs, jobs, jobs. bob mcdonald. all bob talked about was jobs. they said he was horrible because of his they said women should do whatever in his district. he kept talking about jobs. they attacked him kept talk taug about jobs. the year after barack obama gets elected he wins virginia by, what, 18, 19, 20, 21 points in what was supposed to be a blue state? because he stayed on jobs. that s something this guy can t do. i talked to scores of people